Juli Mazi

Juli Mazi

Naturopathic Doctor

About Me

Juli Mazi is a dedicated naturopathic physician practicing in Napa Valley, California, for over two decades. She is the proprietor and leader of her own naturopathic medicine business. She provides her patients with the care, support, and information they need to find their path to health and healing through natural means. Dr. Mazi firmly believes that every individual can find their way to optimal health, and she works tirelessly to help her patients uncover their innate strengths and abilities to facilitate this process.

As a naturopathic doctor, Mazi is passionate about helping others achieve optimal health. She takes more than 60 continuing education courses every two years, including a minimum of 20 hours of pharmacy/pharmaceutical medicine requirements. Juli also regularly attends the Environmental Medicine Symposium, which helps her stay up-to-date on the latest research in environmental toxins and their impact on human health.

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